“The most significant attempt at initiative reform in the United States.” — Joe Mathews, NBC Los Angeles
Imagine a democracy where our public decision-making reflects our diversity, where everyone participates in in-depth policymaking, and our government is a tool we all use together.
Imagine a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge and the confidence to participate in democracy. We believe in empowering voters and know that knowledge is power. Citizens’ Initiative Review (CIR) is emerging as a formidable tool to providing our citizens to become confident, informed voters.
CIRs provide invaluable, objective voter information on initiatives. While ballot measures in Washington State drive some of the largest policy decisions, voters often find them too complicated to understand. That can lead to confusion and frustration. This is compounded by well-funded campaigns flooding voters with biased messaging and misinformation. Citizens’ Initiative Reviews have been shown to deliver accurate, clear, and trustworthy information to voters in the form of objective and factual evaluations of ballot initiatives – – both positive and negative impacts.
We are excited to be working with Senator Sam Hunt on SB 5250 to bring Citizens’ Initiative Review to Washington.
History of CIR use and results
Learn about the experiences other states have had with CIR.